Graceworks is a church in Prairieville, LA, just south of Baton Rouge. We derive our name from the concept that we are "works of God's grace" called to do "works of grace" for His glory.
We are a group of people who believe that church is more than meeting for an hour on Sunday for worship. Worship is an important part of church life, but there is more to being part of a church than worship. Our daily lives should be acts of worship. The Bible tells us that we are to, "offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, which is our reasonable service of worship".
It seems that we have become a generation of spectators. You may have heard someone say about church, "I don't like the music" or "the message was boring". Many go to church simply to sit through a service and never do anything else. This is not a biblical picture of what a church is to be.
The church is to be a called-out family of Jesus followers. We are to be called-out from a culture of meaningless existence and to have, instead, a focus on things that are of eternal significance. We are to be a family. A group of people who stand together and support one another in good times and in difficult times. Most importantly, we are to be followers of Jesus. The Bible uses the word "disciple". We are to be students of God's teaching and seek to live lives that are consistent with His teaching.
We believe that God is to be the focus of our worship. We're less concerned about the music style or format of the service than we are about God being the priority of what we do when we get together.

The Bible gives us a picture of a variety of instruments used to praise God. They include trumpets, harps, mouths, and even cymbals. We believe the object of our worship - God - is more important than the means. That being said, our band will play music of a more contemporary style. We will also include some hymns and great, classic songs of our faith on occasion.
Our messages will be rooted in applying the Bible to daily living. God has given us a great treasure in His word and we desire to be not only students of His teaching, but active participants in living out His word in the world today. Jesus gave us a great example for dealing with temptation when He replied, "it is written...". "The Bible says...", is our pattern for living. We provide a nursery and a Kid's church program on Sundays.
We have a midweek service on Wednesday nights at 6:30 with a verse by verse study of the Bible. This takes place in our sanctuary and we have a nursery and activities for the kids.
We utilize opportunities for service and events for building relationships, connecting in meaningful ways with others, outreach, and ministry. This provides an environment that allows us to build genuine relationships that help us to live out the community the Bible teaches us a church is to be.
For a statement of our core beliefs click on the following link, https://bfm.sbc.net/bfm2000/